Gallery of Folders
These are some past folder knives customized by Carey Custom. Yes, I do special orders!
Questions?Customized Folder-Knives
Over the years, I have experimented and applied my "big knife" etching and knife skills/knowledge to smaller knives. While customizing pocket knives, I continue to learn: What will work and what won't. Hopefully, you find these photos interesting. Just contact me if you have any questions or are interested in a customized pocket knife
Folder-Knife Compression Sheaths
You will notice that I almost exclusively make 'compression sheaths' for my knives. These are sheaths that are created for each knife individually. My reason are many:
- Digging around in your pocket for a knife is a bummer!
- I hate loosing a knife due to using a pocket-clip or pocket hide. - Perhaps, you do?
- Each knife is held firmly without snaps & displayed on your belt. Access is easy and the knife can not be considered concealed which is illegal in some places. (Open Carry!!!)
- My compression sheaths provide:
- "An Interest Point" for other knife enthusiasts
- Aid for serious, curious inquiry
- A general warning: 'Don't mess with this person' - Don't believe it? Tell that to some motorcycle person sporting a knife on their hip. (I've actually had people ask me for permission to take my photo. - AND One unknown stranger... to hold their young child while they took the picture. (Go figure.) :-)
- One of the best ways to secure your knife!
Yes, I do have testimonials from many satisfied customers. (Even videos they send me.) But No, I do not post these out of respect for their privacy.

Designer & Customizer
Customization Examples
- Category Name/initials
- Category School & College Symbols
- Category Animal & Nature
- Category Hunting & Fishing
- Category Motorcycle & Adventurer
- Category Fantasy
- Category Sci-Fi
- Category Historical
- Category Movie/Book/Legend
- Questions?